Am I registered to vote? How do I get an absentee ballot? Where do I send it to? Can I drop off my ballot and skip sending it in the mail?

We wish there was an easy answer to all of these questions. But our democracy is designed to give states the power to manage elections, which means that the voting process can vary not only between states, but sometimes the districts within them!

RollCall is here to help. It's one platform that helps you navigate this process, makes sure your vote is counted, and allows you to know how your community is turning out to vote.

Here's how you can learn more about voting plans in your respective state:

  1. 🇺🇸 Download the app here! All details around voting deadlines are automatically included, and we'll share updates as we draw closer to Election day.

  2. If you'd like to see a state-by-state summary of polling deadlines, procedures, and policies, you can see them all here.

Note: if you see any discrepancies in the above sheet, let us know!